
If A Gardener Digs Up An Artifact, Which Of The Following Has The Gardener Most Likely Found?

Did you wake up to see some massive damage in the yard? Does it look as if someone attacked it overnight? If your lawn got torn up into little clumps, it might be the result of skunks digging for grubs.

Any keen gardener who has dealt with these little pests knows they are challenging to face. So, if you wonder how to stop skunks from digging up lawn, we have the answers for you. Keep reading and beat your worries right away.

How to Stop Skunks from Digging Up Lawn

Why Do You Need To Drive Skunks Away?

A skunk can attack yards for two reasons. First, it may be digging for grubs or looking for easy meals from your garden. Second, skunks might burrow beneath your porch or outbuildings to protect themselves from cold weather.

Next, the rummaging starts. These animals go on to eat your crops and gobble up pet food leftovers. Hence, it's crucial to repel skunks from your garden because:

  • You may get sprayed if you approach the skunk,
  • These pests can also spay your pets,
  • Your vegetables and seeds will suffer,
  • Skunks can forage your garbage,
  • You might find nests underneath your porch.

If you see a skunk wandering near your property, act fast. Once it starts to make frequent visits and nest, the chances it will stay are vast. What you can do is focus on saving your lawn by taking the steps suggested below.

Efficient Ways To Deter Skunks


Your garden got destroyed, so what is your next move? Reviving and safeguarding your greenery can seem like a never-ending mission if you lack experience dealing with skunks.

Luckily, these low-cost and straightforward solutions can help out. Check my ten ideas on how to stop skunks from digging up lawn places.

1. Ensure Skunks Are In Question

Never rule out other animals that might be stalking. Skunks aren't the only pests that can cause damage to a lawn, so how can you tell if they are causing you trouble? If you haven't seen any animals around, it's advisable to look for other tell-tale signs.

First, look for tracks and compare them to skunk footprints to figure out who has been attacking the yard. Second, the unique smell can make a difference. If this stinker decides to spray in the garden, its horrible smell should be a definite sign of skunks roaming around the area.

2. Make Use Of Household Scents

You might have never heard that skunks can't stand strong odours. So, if you use products like citrus, vinegar, or chili pepper on the perimeter of your lawn, you may chase off hungry skunks. When spreading the deterrent, distribute it evenly and don't leave gaps as skunks can easily bypass the barrier.

If natural scents don't work, you may need to use more potent ones. As for driving a skunk away, detergent can do the trick. The repellent becomes most efficient when mixed with castor or vegetable oil.

Last, skunks hate how mothballs smell. Yet, mothballs can poison living organisms, so avoid this solution if you have small children or pets.

3. Dog Urine Can Help

Stop Skunks from Digging Up Lawn

Urine from several predators can be a real life-saver. Meaning, you might repel skunks if you apply dog urine on the outside of your lawn. Those with a dog can make use of this effective trick for free.

Another alternative is to buy products with coyote or wolf urine. You can find repellents like Predator Pee® at local garden stores. You only need to sprinkle the product along your property to ward off nocturnal visitors.

Whatever action you take, remember that solutions like vinegar, predator urine and citrus create a temporary barrier only. Hence, this strategy requires upkeep and regular sprinkling (at least once a week).

4. Treat The Grass Regularly

Of course, most skunks will attack your lawn for food. More specifically, skunks feast on a grub that thrives below the soil's surface. Unfortunately, such larvae are present in most yards.

The ideal approach, in this case, will be to put nematodes in the garden. These microscopic creatures consume grubs and are non-toxic to humans. As a result, nematodes don't pose a threat to kids' or pets' health.

Most lawn-care shops sell nematodes, and the application is fast and convenient. However, this method urges planning because nematodes are most helpful if used in early spring or late summer. Besides repelling skunks, your garden will also become grub-free and look lush and healthy.

5. Compost With Care

The worst mistake you can make is to put tempting food into the compost bin. Its odour alone is enough to attract scavengers. If scraps, like fish and meat, lure skunks, they will keep wreaking havoc around.

Since composting helps the planet, consider investing in a compost bin that is both high-quality and hard to open. Alternatively, you can place it in the garage and keep it off the sight of pests.

Recycle bins can also lure skunks. Once they locate a food source with easy access, these animals will probably return. Hence, always keep the cans tightly sealed. Skunks have a superb sense of smell, so don't underestimate the temptation your garbage spurs.

6. Install Sensor Lights

How to Stop Skunks from Digging Up Lawn

Scaring the skunk off may be the easiest way to deal with the issue. These animals are nocturnal and stay away from bright lights. So, installing motion sensor lights is a logical step to deter small intruders from the yard.

Besides being highly effective, motion sensor lights are easy to set up, too. One way to make this technique work is to install several sources of light. This way, four-legged creatures won't have the chance to get closer to your property.

Another food for thought is that motion sensors aren't a long-term solution. After a few attempts, skunks can figure out that these lights are only lights and nothing more. We suggest you make use of this trick along with other effective strategies.

7. Scarecrows Can Do Wonders

You might not believe this tip, but it has proven helpful so far. Mechanical scarecrows are another scare technique that can ward skunks off your lawn. Some popular scarecrows resemble people, while others take the form of wolves or foxes. Even better, advanced alternatives come with sprinklers.

Second, consider installing a mechanical owl that flaps its wings when somebody is moving. For instance, Owl Eyes is a proven pest deterrent with horrible glowing eyes. Owl Eyes is a superb option because it combines motion, light, and fear to terrify skunks into hiding.

Ultimately, you can place a classic scarecrow in the yard. Human-like strawmen might seem funny to us, but a skunk will confuse it for a person. Of course, seeing a human is a horrifying experience for small animals, and they'll keep on looking elsewhere.

8. Use Repellents

Stop Skunks from Digging Up Lawn

Repellents can further help you repel creatures from making holes in your garden. Our favourite repellent is Havahart that sells products in various forms. You can choose between liquid or granular repellents that irritate and drive skunks off. Alternatively, opt for chemical-free and safe electronic repellents.

Remember that the process requires patience. If a skunk returns to her nest against all odds, she might have kits inside. All you can do is reapply consistently and wait for the babies to grow and relocate themselves.

9. Set Up Physical Barriers

The good old rule when it comes to intruding animals is to restrain the access physically. Think about laying wire or a chain fence around your garden. Though this method requires more involvement and can cost you a bit, it might dissuade skunks from attacking your lawn.

Indeed, there's no one-fits-all solution to keep digging animals away from your yard, but a combination of these tips may prove worthwhile. Or at least you can bring the damage to a minimum. We suggest you check Good Nature, which offers efficient skunk-deterring products.

10. Trap Animals

When nothing else helps, the ultimate way to free your lawn from a nocturnal pranker is to trap and remove it. One way to do this is to fill up its hole with dirt and catch the skunk live. Then you can relocate it to a park or another area.

If there are too many animals to trap, consider contacting professional animal control and trapping services. Sometimes, it's better to leave delicate jobs to the experts.

Final Thoughts

Persistent skunks are the worst nightmare for garden lovers. Hopefully, our suggestions on how to stop skunks from digging up lawn will save the day. Strong odours, lights, nematodes, and scarecrows are all tested methods that will revive your yard and make it pest-free once again.

What about you? Do you make use of other proven strategies to keep your grassland gorgeous and lush? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and keep visiting our site for more practical advice.

Stop Skunks from Digging Up Lawn

If A Gardener Digs Up An Artifact, Which Of The Following Has The Gardener Most Likely Found?


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