
How To Animate A Gif In Tkinter

In this tutorial, we are going to acquire about Python Tkinter Blitheness. Here we will understand how to create animations using Tkinter in python and we will cover different examples related to animation. And we will also cover these topics

  • Python tkinter animation
  • Python tkinter loading animation
  • Python tkinter timer animation
  • Python tkinter matplotlib animation
  • Python tkinter Simple animation
  • Python tkinter Button animation

Python Tkinter Animation

In this section, we are learning about Python Tkinter Animation. By blitheness, nosotros hateful to create an illusion of moment on any object.

In the post-obit code, we have taken 2 starting positions of "x" & "y" and give a window some width and peak and inside that, nosotros made a brawl using canvass and to add together a moment to the ball but within a screen space what nosotros created.


          import tkinter import time    Window_Width=800  Window_Height=600  Ball_Start_XPosition = l  Ball_Start_YPosition = l  Ball_Radius = xxx  Ball_min_movement = 5  Refresh_Sec = 0.01    def create_animation_window():   Window = tkinter.Tk()   Window.title("Python Guides")    Window.geometry(f'{Window_Width}ten{Window_Height}')   return Window    def create_animation_canvas(Window):   sail = tkinter.Sheet(Window)   canvass.configure(bg="Bluish")   canvas.pack(fill="both", aggrandize=Truthful)   render canvass    def animate_ball(Window, canvas,xinc,yinc):   ball = canvas.create_oval(Ball_Start_XPosition-Ball_Radius,             Ball_Start_YPosition-Ball_Radius,             Ball_Start_XPosition+Ball_Radius,             Ball_Start_YPosition+Ball_Radius,             fill="Scarlet", outline="Black", width=iv)   while True:     canvas.motion(ball,xinc,yinc)     Window.update()     fourth dimension.slumber(Refresh_Sec)     ball_pos = canvas.coords(brawl)     # unpack array to variables     al,bl,ar,br = ball_pos     if al < abs(xinc) or ar > Window_Width-abs(xinc):       xinc = -xinc     if bl < abs(yinc) or br > Window_Height-abs(yinc):       yinc = -yinc    Animation_Window = create_animation_window() Animation_canvas = create_animation_canvas(Animation_Window) animate_ball(Animation_Window,Animation_canvas, Ball_min_movement, Ball_min_movement)                  

Here are some of the main highlights of the given code.

  • Sail.create_oval() is used to give the Oval shape to the ball.
  • Canvass.move() = Movement of the ball
  • time.sleep() information technology suspends execution for a given number of seconds.


Subsequently running the above code, we can see the post-obit output in which a ball is changing its position. The brawl is going up and downward and showing an example of blitheness.

Python Tkinter Animation

Read: Python Tkinter Editor

Python Tkinter Loading Animation

In this section, we are learning virtually python Tkinter loading blitheness. Past loading, we hateful the processing of any page or loading any data over the internet.


In the following lawmaking, we made a processing bar that runs after clicking on the run button and information technology shows us loading in page.

  • Progressbar() is used to display the loading bar.
  • mode='determinate' shows an indicator that moves starting betoken to the ending signal.
          from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import *  ws=Tk() Progress_Bar=Progressbar(ws,orient=HORIZONTAL,length=250,mode='determinate')  def Slide():     import time     Progress_Bar['value']=twenty     ws.update_idletasks()     time.sleep(1)     Progress_Bar['value']=50     ws.update_idletasks()     time.slumber(one)     Progress_Bar['value']=lxxx     ws.update_idletasks()     time.sleep(1)     Progress_Bar['value']=100  Progress_Bar.pack() Push(ws,text='Run',command=Slide).pack(pady=10) mainloop()                  


After running the following code, nosotros become the following output which shows us how loading is done in python Tkinter. Here in this, we tin see when a user clicks on the "Run" push a loading of data is started on a page.

Python Tkinter Animation1

Read: Python Tkinter Table Tutorial

Python tkinter timer animation

In this section, nosotros are learning about python Tkinter timer animation. Past timer, we hateful to set any time count for our alert to remember our chore. The best example to sympathise about the timer is an alert which nosotros use in our common routine.


In the following code, nosotros imported a time library that used to define hours, minutes & seconds. Here a user is setting upward some time counter which does works like giving an alert later on time is up.

          import time from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox  ws = Tk()  ws.geometry("300x300")  ws.title("Python Guides")  Hour=StringVar() Infinitesimal=StringVar() Second=StringVar()  60 minutes.set("00") Minute.set("00") Second.set("00")  Hour_entry= Entry(ws, width=3, font=("Arial",18,""), 				textvariable=60 minutes),y=twenty)  Minute_entry= Entry(ws, width=3, font=("Arial",xviii,""), 				textvariable=Minute),y=xx)  Second_entry= Entry(ws, width=three, font=("Arial",18,""), 				textvariable=Second),y=20)   def OK(): 	endeavor: 		 		temp = int(60 minutes.get())*3600 + int(Minute.get())*60 + int(Second.get()) 	except: 		print("Please Input The Correct Value") 	while temp >-1: 		 		Mins,Secs = divmod(temp,threescore)  	 		Hours=0 		if Mins >60: 			 	 			Hours, Mins = divmod(Mins, 60) 		 		 		60 minutes.fix("{0:2d}".format(Hours)) 		Minute.set up("{0:2nd}".format(Mins)) 		Second.gear up("{0:2d}".format(Secs))  		 		ws.update() 		time.sleep(1)  		 		if (temp == 0): 			messagebox.showinfo("Fourth dimension Inaugural", "Time up ") 		 		 		temp -= 1   push button = Push button(ws, text=' inaugural', bd='five', 			command= OK) = 100,y = 110)  ws.mainloop()        


After running the above code, we tin can see a user has set some timer for few seconds and information technology is working equally per an social club of timer.

Python Tkinter Countdown

Read: How to Create a Serpent Game in Python Tkinter

Python tkinter matplotlib animation

Matplotlib is a Python library used for plotting graphs. Information technology is an open up-source library nosotros can employ freely. It is written in Python Language. Hither is a tool that is specifically used to work on the part of matplotlib named "MATLAB". In here Numpy is its numerical mathematical extension used to represent graphical values of its axis.


  • is used to represent that the bar graph is to be plotted by using X-axis and Y-axis values.
  • ptl.xlabel() is used to represent the x-axis.
  • plt.ylabel() is used to stand for the y-centrality.
  • plt.title() is used for giving the title to the bar graph.
          from matplotlib import pyplot as plt[0.25,1.25,2.25,3.25,iv.25],[50000,40000,70000,80000,200000],characterization="MAC",colour='r',width=.4)[0.75,1.75,2.75,iii.75,iv.75],[80000,20000,20000,50000,60000],characterization="Dominos",color='b',width=.4) plt.legend(loc='upper correct') plt.xlabel('Months') plt.ylabel('Sales Amount') plt.title('Information') plt.bear witness()        


After running the following lawmaking, we run across the bar graph is generated. Hither are the months and sales corporeality variables that correspond the x-axis and y-axis values of information points and the bar are representing the total sale in a calendar month. In the following gif, we can run across the 10-axis and y-axis are giving some values when nosotros hover the mouse on a bar.

Python Tkinter Matplotlib Animation

Read: Python Tkinter Image

Python tkinter Simple animation

In the following department, we are learning about python Tkinter'due south elementary animation. In this, nosotros accept made a button through which clicking on that button changes the background color.


Ïn the following code we use a random library that gives a random choice to our options and at the superlative, nosotros added a push button with the text "click me" on that which changes the color of the background randomly.

  • random.choice() return a list with randomly select colour.
  • ws.title is used for giving a title to the window.
  • Button() is used to run the control to generate random colors in this.
          from tkinter import * import random  def gen_color():     ws.configure(background=random.pick(["black", "red" , "green" , "blue"]))      ws =Tk() ws.championship("Python Guides") ws.geometry('500x500')    push button=Button(ws,text='Click Me',command = gen_color).pack() ws.mainloop()        


After running the higher up code, we can run a simple animation with assistance of python Tkinter.

simple animation
Simple animation

Read: Python Tkinter Colors

Python tkinter Push animation

in this department, we are learning about the Python Tkinter animation button.

We hither utilize button animation as a feature that we can use in whatsoever gaming application or any similar application to turn on or to turn off that function. Here button is working like a normal switch which nosotros used in our daily life to take access to switch on the light of the house.


          from tkinter import * ws = Tk() ws.title("Python Guides")  def catechumen():     if(a1['state']==NORMAL):         a1["land"] = DISABLED         a2["text"]="enable"     elif (a1['state']==DISABLED):         a1["state"]=NORMAL         a2["text"]="disable"  #--Buttons a1=Button(ws, text="push") a1.config(height = 8, width = 9) a1.grid(row=0, column=0)     a2 = Push button(text="disable", control=convert) a2.grid(row=0,cavalcade=1) ws.mainloop()        

In the in a higher place code, first, we take created a button object "a1" and then, nosotros are using the IF argument to check the state of the button. In the end, nosotros are using the country to modify the behavior of the push to get the desired consequence.


After running the following code, nosotros get the following output in which we see when nosotros click on them the button volition be disabled. And when we click on them again, the push will get enabled.

Python Tkinter Button Animation

You may likewise like to read the following articles.

  • Python Tkinter Autocomplete
  • Python Tkinter Mainloop
  • Python Tkinter save text to file
  • Python Tkinter Scrollbar
  • Python Tkinter Spinbox
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Widget
  • Python Tkinter Events
  • Python Tkinter On-Off Switch

So, in this tutorial, we discuss Python Tkinter Animation. Here is the list of the examples that nosotros take covered.

  • Python Tkinter animation
  • Python Tkinter animation tutorial
  • Python Tkinter loading animation
  • Python Tkinter timer animation
  • Python Tkinter matplotlib animation
  • Python Tkinter Simple blitheness
  • Python Tkinter Button animation


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